Abraham Lincoln’s White House


Family Family played an important role in the Lincoln White House. Mr. Lincoln was devoted to his wife and three sons – a fourth son had died over a decade earlier. There was a large gap between Robert, who was 17 when his father entered the White House… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Visitors Center

Visitors Center The creators of Mr. Lincoln’s White House hope they can indeed do something for those interested in Mr. Lincoln’s four years and one month in the Executive Mansion. Almost all of President Lincoln’s presidency was spent in Washington — except for occasional visits to the nearby war … Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Nearby Washington

Nearby Washington “The capital was busy, crowded and exciting; everywhere there was activity, confusion, and distress. From the North came soldiers, businessmen, politicians, and just plain people wanting to do their party or searching for loved ones, casualties of the war… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

The White House

The White House In Springfield, where the Lincolns had lived for the previous two decades, the Lincoln family had trouble keeping a single servant girl to help Mary Todd Lincoln. In the White House, there was an extensive staff to tend to the gardens and the family’s… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Residents and Visitors

Residents and Visitors Over two thousand persons entered the White House after President Lincoln’s inauguration on March 4, 1861 to attend the Lincolns’ first reception. Hundreds more departed in frustration before they reached the door. Many more left in frustration, according to a journalist… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Mr. Lincoln & His Observers

Mr. Lincoln & His Observers Poet Walt Whitman often observed Mr. Lincoln on the streets of Washington. He thought that the uniqueness of the President’s visage was never adequately captured with its “wonderful reserve, restraint of expression, fine nobility staring at you out of all that ruggedness…”1… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Cabinet & Vice Presidents

Cabinet & Vice Presidents President Lincoln’s cabinet included all of his major rivals for the Republican nomination for President in 1860—William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, Simon Cameron and Edward Bates. Some of these men had been effectively promised positions as part of the negotiations… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >