Abraham Lincoln’s White House

Gilder Lehrman Center on Slavery, Resistance and Abolition at Yale University

Gilder Lehrman Center on Slavery, Resistance and Abolition at Yale University The Gilder Lehrman Center at Yale promotes the study of slavery, slave resistance, and the abolition of slavery in academic scholarship, school curricula, and public education programs by such means as conferences, publications, fellowships, prizes and lectures.   The Center, which is part of […]

Lincoln and Soldiers Institute

Lincoln and Soldiers Institute The purpose of the Lincoln and Soldiers Institute and of the Lincoln Prize is to encourage the study of Abraham Lincoln, the American Civil War Soldier and subjects relating to their era of American history, which helped shape the United States and the… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

The Gilder Lehrman Collection

The Gilder Lehrman Collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, on deposit at the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York City, is one of the largest collections of American historical documents in private hands. Its holdings encompass materials from the first European encounters with the New World to recent events and includes more than 39,000 items, principally […]

The Gilder-Lehrman Institute of American History

The Gilder-Lehrman Institute of American History Formed in 1994, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History promotes the study and love of American history. It organizes seminars and enrichment for teachers; support and produce publications and traveling exhibitions for the general public, and for students… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Research Resources

Research Resources To assist visitors who want to go beyond Mr. Lincoln’s White House, we have provided several kinds of links within the site: Internal links to related sections of Mr. Lincoln’s White House. External links to other related web sites. Visit at the end of each section in Mr. Lincoln’s White House. The Footnotes […]

The Lehrman Institute

The Lehrman Institute The Lehrman Institute is dedicated to public policy, educational and historical research. It was founded in 1972 by Lewis Lehrman and the Lehrman family and had sponsored a wide range of research and discussion in the fields of economics, historical research, foreign policy, and urban policy. Its major concentration is currently the […]


Homes At all times of the year, Mr. Lincoln’s White House was besieged by those seeking favors and jobs. In the summer, the White House was also besieged by mosquitoes, heat, and the fetid stench of the Potomac Canal. As a consequence, the President usually commuted from his residence at the… Abraham Lincoln’s White House […]

Hotels and Other Public Buildings

Hotels and Other Public Buildings The scope of the President’s “visits” around Washington were rather limited. He arrived in Washington at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station, near the capitol, which was the only railroad station in Washington, from which one could only take trains to and from the North. On a few occasions… Abraham […]

Parks & Pennsylvania Avenue

Parks & Pennsylvania Avenue Most of the places Mr. Lincoln visited had military or political significance. Even his recreational carriage rides in the late afternoon often stopped at Union army camps and hospitals. Although Mrs. Lincoln usually accompanied him on these excursions, she made her own separate stops at… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Other Government Buildings

Other Government Buildings Most government offices were in easy walking distance of the White House. The only ones which the President regularly visited were the War Department and the War Department’s annex — the Winder Building. These buildings were in a… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >