Abraham Lincoln’s White House

Winfield Scott (1786-1866)

Winfield Scott (1786-1866) Nicknamed “Old Fuss & Feathers,” Union Army General Winfield Scott was the Army Chief from 1841-1861 and formulated the far-sighted “Anaconda Plan” at the beginning of the Civil War. His first mission for Mr. Lincoln was to… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Carl Schurz (1829-1906)

Carl Schurz (1829-1906) Union Army General Carl Schurz served in the Mountain Department, the Army of the Potomac, and the Mississippi Department. The well-educated and well-cultured Schurz had, what John Hay called “every quality of romance and dramatic picturesqueness.” Schurz helped organize a… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

David Dixon Porter (1813-1891)

David Dixon Porter (1813-1891) David Dixon Porter was a Union Navy admiral and son of War of 1812 naval hero David Porter. At the beginning of the war, Porter’s loyalty was questioned, given his close association with southerners like Jefferson Davis. Porter himself said he was headed to… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

John Pope (1823-1892)

John Pope (1823-1892) Union Army General John Pope gained a reputation in the West before President Lincoln appointed him to defend Washington, D.C. on June 26, 1862 with command of Army of Virginia—to the chagrin of generals loyal to… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Montgomery Meigs (1816-1892)

Montgomery Meigs (1816-1892) Union Quartermaster General Montgomery Meigs was appointed to his post in May 1861. Meigs headed the army expedition to Fort Pickens, Florida in 1861. He frequently conferred with President Lincoln about military affairs and military weapons, beginning with… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

George Meade (1815-1872)

George Meade (1815-1872) Union Army General George Meade commanded the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Gettysburg two days after he assumed command. Because Meade was a Pennsylvanian, President Lincoln thought he would “fight well on his own…” Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Irvin McDowell (1818-1885)

Irvin McDowell (1818-1885) Union Army General Irvin McDowell commanded the Army of Potomac in the first Battle of Bull Run and was relieved shortly thereafter. He met with Mr. Lincoln and Cabinet officials on June 29, 1861 to discuss his plans for confronting… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Links to Civil War Sites

Links to Civil War Sites American Civil War Homepage (University of Tennessee): https://www.lib.utk.edu/special/featured-collections/digital-civil-war-collection/ American Civil War: http://fs.dai.net/ac/909400/… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Books by or about Mr. Lincoln’s Contemporaries

Books by or about Mr. Lincoln’s Contemporaries Ambrose, Stephen. Halleck: Lincoln’s Chief of Staff, (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1990)   Anders, Curt. Henry Halleck’s War: A Fresh Look at Lincoln’s… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Links to Mr. Lincoln

Links to Mr. Lincoln CSPAN American Presidents series: http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=16 Grolier Encyclopedia Entry on Abraham Lincoln: … Abraham Lincoln’s White House >