Abraham Lincoln’s White House

George W. Julian (1817-1899)

George W. Julian (1817-1899) Galusha George W. Julian, Congressman from Indiana (Free Soil, 1849-51 and Republican, 1861-71), was the leading House member of Committee on the Conduct of the War. Although he differed with the President on the speed of his… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Galusha A. Grow (1823-1907)

Galusha A. Grow (1823-1907) Galusha A. Grow was a Congressman from Pennsylvania (Democrat, Republican, 1851-63, 1894-1903). Grow succeeded his legal mentor, David Wilmot, in Congress at age 27. He had a strong will and weak health; he was an… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Stephen A. Douglas (1813-1861)

Stephen A. Douglas (1813-1861) Known as “Little,” Stephen A. Douglas was an Illinois Senator (1847-61, Democrat) and the leading proponent of “popular sovereignty” as the solution to slavery in U.S. territories. Douglas ran for President as candidate of… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Schuyler Colfax (1823-1875)

Schuyler Colfax (1823-1875) Schuyler “Smiler” Colfax was a Congressman from Indiana (Republican, 1855-69) and Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1863-1869. A Whig and a Know-Nothing before he joined the Republicans, he became more radical on slavery and reconstruction as he grew older. In 1858 he was suspiciously… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Zachariah Chandler (1813-1879)

Zachariah Chandler (1813-1879) Senator from Michigan (Republican, 1857-1875), Zachariah Chandler was a Radical Republican and a member of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War. He was a frequent visitor to the White House with Senators Benjamin Wade and Lyman Trumbull whom John Hay called the… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Orville Hickman Browning (1806-1881)

Orville Hickman Browning (1806-1881) Senator from Illinois (Republican, 1861-62), Orville Hickman Browning was appointed by Governor Richard Yates to succeed Stephen Douglas on his death in June 1861, thus infuriating Illinois Democrats. A personal and political friend of President Lincoln, Browning was a… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Edward D. Baker (1811-1861)

Edward D. Baker (1811-1861) Friend of Abraham Lincoln and lawyer who came in second in the 1843 Whig Convention for Congress, Edward D. Baker subsequently took the following Congressional term and Abraham Lincoln took the third. Baker resigned from… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Isaac N. Arnold (1815-1885)

Isaac N. Arnold (1815-1885) Congressman from Illinois (Republican, 1861-65), abolitionist, and strong Lincoln loyalist in the House of Representatives, Isaac N. Arnold was a state legislator who shifted from Democratic to Free Soil to Republican Parties and… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

William T. Sherman (1820-1891)

William T. Sherman (1820-1891) William T. Sherman, “Uncle Billy,” was a Union Army General who served under Ulysses S. Grant. He retired from the Army twice, first in 1853 and then at the outbreak of the war when he was the Superintendent of the state military academy in… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >

Philip H. Sheridan (1831-1888)

Philip H. Sheridan (1831-1888) Union Army General Philip “Little Phil” Sheridan was an Army lieutenant at the outbreak of War. He rose through the ranks, first as a quartermaster and later as a cavalry officer and division commander in the West. He stormed… Abraham Lincoln’s White House >