Abraham Lincoln & Friends

Elmer Ellsworth (1837-1861)

Elmer Ellsworth (1837-1861) Increasingly, Ellsworth had been at the President’s side. In the late winter of 1860 Ellsworth had received a letter from General John Cook expressing Mr. Lincoln’s interest in having Ellsworth relocate to… Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

Carl Schurz (1829-1906)

Carl Schurz (1829-1906) Schurz’s political influence was important to President Lincoln. Historian Hans L. Trefousse wrote that “there can be no question about Schurz’s effective advocacy of emancipation after the…” Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

John A. McClernand (1812-1900)

John A. McClernand (1812-1900) Fellow Illinois generals found John A. McClernand to be a braggart. “We did the fighting. He did the writing,” wrote Illinois politician Richard Oglesby, whose war career helped make him… Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

Montgomery Meigs (1816-1892)

Montgomery Meigs (1816-1892) During the first year of the Civil War, Montgomery Meigs was a important military adviser for President Lincoln when there were few experienced army officers in Washington he could… Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885)

Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) President Lincoln had faith in Ulysses S. Grant when few people did. In the spring of 1862, there were many calls for the replacement of Grant. In the spring of 1863, Senator Benjamin Wade came to see the President and insisted… Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

John Dahlgren (1809-1870)

John Dahlgren (1809-1870) Dahlgren assumed command of the Washington Navy Yard in April 1861 when the Franklin Buchanan abandoned his office to join the Confederacy. Commander “Dahlgren shone in the new job. As a…” Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

Edwin M. Stanton (1814-1869)

Edwin M. Stanton (1814-1869) Stanton was not appointed to the Cabinet until January 1862, but his disrespect to the President dated back to early 1857 when Mr. Lincoln had been named to the… Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

William H. Seward (1801-1872)

William H. Seward (1801-1872) Simon Cameron fought hard to be included in President Lincoln’s Cabinet. “That his reputation was not spotless was not altogether a negative,” noted historian David Donald. “Lincoln always had a…” Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

Simon Cameron (1799-1889)

Simon Cameron (1799-1889) Simon Cameron fought hard to be included in President Lincoln’s Cabinet. “That his reputation was not spotless was not altogether a negative,” noted historian David Donald . “Lincoln always had a…” Abraham Lincoln and Friends >

Montgomery Blair (1813-1883)

Montgomery Blair (1813-1883) Noah Brooks described Blair as “the best-read man in Lincoln’s cabinet, and he was well versed in literature ancient and contemporaneous; but his manners were awkward and unattractive. In politics he was a…” Abraham Lincoln and Friends >